Unlike a business plan that is specific for an investor, a document specific for a lending institution will be somewhat different. This is due to the fact that you are going to need to focus much more heavily on your credit, the tangible assets to be purchased with loan funds, and how the business will be able to repay its obligations over a specific period of time. When you are writing a business plan in order to obtain a business loan then you are going to want to immediately outline the anticipated terms of your credit facility. This includes discussing the total loan amount, anticipated interest rate, and the term of the credit. This should be placed directly within your executive summary as well as the financial section of the business prospectus.
Your business plan should consist over several components that focus on how you intends to repay your loan. A well developed profit and loss statement as well as a cash flow analysis will allow a banker or a financial institution to understand how the business will support this debt obligation. Within your financial section, you should create and include a full loan amortization schedule that will showcase on a month to month basis the ongoing interest payments, repayments of principal, and total outstanding loan balance. If you do not know how to properly develop this aspect of your business plan then you should have your certified public accountant produce this section of your document. Additionally, there are many online programs that can calculate a business loan amortization table for you.
One of the very important aspects that you need to provide a focus on, in regards to your business plan, is to showcase the tangible assets that will be acquired. You should heavily discuss how these assets can be used as collateral for your loan. It should be noted that you may be required to provide a deprecation schedule. This is important because, over time, most assets lose their value. In the case that you are acquiring real property then you are going to want to showcase how this property may appreciate over the life of the business loan. You may need to have a property appraiser assist you with this matter as banks and financial institutions have become very stringent regarding financing that is specific for tangible asset and property purchases. We are going to continue to provide you with a tremendous amount of information regarding these matters though our series of articles dedicated to business planning.
Your business plan should consist over several components that focus on how you intends to repay your loan. A well developed profit and loss statement as well as a cash flow analysis will allow a banker or a financial institution to understand how the business will support this debt obligation. Within your financial section, you should create and include a full loan amortization schedule that will showcase on a month to month basis the ongoing interest payments, repayments of principal, and total outstanding loan balance. If you do not know how to properly develop this aspect of your business plan then you should have your certified public accountant produce this section of your document. Additionally, there are many online programs that can calculate a business loan amortization table for you.
One of the very important aspects that you need to provide a focus on, in regards to your business plan, is to showcase the tangible assets that will be acquired. You should heavily discuss how these assets can be used as collateral for your loan. It should be noted that you may be required to provide a deprecation schedule. This is important because, over time, most assets lose their value. In the case that you are acquiring real property then you are going to want to showcase how this property may appreciate over the life of the business loan. You may need to have a property appraiser assist you with this matter as banks and financial institutions have become very stringent regarding financing that is specific for tangible asset and property purchases. We are going to continue to provide you with a tremendous amount of information regarding these matters though our series of articles dedicated to business planning.